Create your own adventure on Dark Void web site
12/8/2009 4:40:00 PM
Hopefully jetpacks are the new zombie. Why? Because jetpacks are awesome! Capcom agrees and now has given all the chance to create their own 2-d adventure on
a mini site tied to the upcoming
Dark Void.
Users can logon, select a background, and get to designing their own adventure. Post it for others to try out. If you think it's really good, head over to
Capcom's blog to find out which web sites are holding contests for the best level.
It's free and you can win cool schwag. What more could you want?
Grab your jetpacks and get ready to blast off as Capcom has launched Jetpack Attack! A fun new game for all you Dark Void fans out there, you can play and create your own 2-d adventure. So head on over to and check it out. Go crazy and remember, the sky’s the limit!
In addition to being able to create your own adventure, various websites are holding contests for the best custom levels. For the full list of websites, head on over to our blog at: