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GN Contest - Academy of Champions - Win a Mia Hamm signed soccer ball

by: Chuck -
More On: Academy of Champions
As part of the launch of Academy of Champions for the Wii in a few weeks, Ubisoft has sent us a few mini-soccer balls signed by US Women Soccer star Mia Hamm.  We'll be giving them away this week in a few contest on the site as well as on our twitter feed.  To win you must live in the continental United States.

Here's the first question: Mia Hamm is not the only world class soccer player in the game.  The first to e-mail me the name of the team he played for in the United States will win the first soccer ball. 

Update (Chuck) - Congrats to Damon who's going to be getting a soccer ball in the mail later this week.  If you didn't win be sure to check back later this week as we've got a few more to give away.