New Screens for Dungeons and Dragons Online Eberron Unlimited
8/28/2009 2:03:00 AM
Dungeons and Dragons Online Eberron Unlimited hasn't been available for long but we're already getting new screenshots of the new class and adventure pack that will soon be available. The Favored Soul Class features angelic glowy wings and the Reaver's Reach adventure pack features reaching reavers (at least that is the unconfirmed rumor).
Turbine has just released a new batch of screenshots for the upcoming
Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited (DDO Unlimited), which
will launch on September 9th. The new screenshots depict the new
Favored Soul class, as well as the new Reaver’s Reach adventure pack.
DDO Unlimited will introduce an innovative new pricing model that
allows players to download and play for free, purchasing adventure
packs, items, and account services a la carte from the DDO Store.