Real Heroes: Firefighter showcases a voice cast full of TV stars
7/23/2009 7:17:00 AM
Real Heroes: Firefighter will come packed with plenty of voice talent this August., with such TV stars as John DiMaggio and Jamie Kennedy providing character voices for the various firefighters in your firefighting squad. The plot of the game is simple. You, the main character, are a rookie firefighter who must save lives and people's homes from fires. You learn it's not as easy as it originally sounded, but you get lots of help from your firefighting buddies, including the experienced one, the funny guy, and of course, the tough guy. Keep reading for the rest of the characters and the voice talent!
James Marsters, Jamie Kennedy and other stars voice upcoming Wii™ title
Conspiracy Entertainment and Epicenter Studios are pleased to unveil
the voice cast for their upcoming first-person action game – “Real
Heroes: Firefighter”. The game, set for an August 2009 release, and
developed in cooperation with a 27-year firefighting veteran, will
challenge players to take on the role of a rookie firefighter as they
strive to save both lives and property from a series of fires raging
through a major metropolitan area. “Real Heroes: Firefighter” is
rated E10+, and will be released to retail at a family-friendly price
point (MSRP - $29.99 USD), with a percentage of proceeds being donated
to the Firefighter Cancer Support Network.
The cast of voice actors for “Real Heroes: Firefighter” includes –
* James Marsters – known to many as “Spike” from the cult-classic TV
series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” Marsters will be playing Louis
“Match” Morris, the veteran seen-it-all tough guy.
* Michael Jace – coming off his sixth season as Officer Julien Lowe
from the hit TV series, “The Shield,” Jace will be voicing Lt. Dylan
Scott, the second-in-command of the player’s fire dept.
* Jamie Kennedy – a popular comedian and actor, Kennedy will be the
game’s comic relief as he voices Marc “Cam” Cameron, a younger
firefighter who is more brawn than brain.
* Jenette Goldstein – best known for her role as Private Vasquez in
the classic film “Aliens,” Goldstein will play Esmerelda “Ezzy”
Vasquez, a tough-as-nails firefighter with a bit of a chip on her
* Jack McGee – a staple of firefighting films and TV such as
“Backdraft” and “Rescue Me,” McGee will voice Ed Martin, the veteran
Engineer of the firefighting team.
* John Di Maggio – having provided voices for dozens of characters
including Bender from “Futurama,” and Marcus Fenix in “Gears of War”,
Di Maggio will take on the role of Captain Tomihiro Kotaka, the
no-nonsense leader of the squad.
Developed by Epicenter Studios, "Real Heroes: Firefighter" emphasizes
non-violent, game-integral puzzles and challenges that mirror the
on-the-fly choices firefighters face every day. Featuring Epicenter's
proprietary "Thinking Fire" technology, blazes will seem almost alive
as they not only attack structures, potential victims and
firefighters, but also cause unexpected changes to the environments
that will suddenly alter the player's options and strategies. No two
scenarios will play out the same way in "Real Heroes: Firefighter."
About Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation
Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation is a developer, publisher and
marketer of entertainment software in North America and Western
Europe. The Company develops and licenses properties from several
sources, including global entertainment and media companies and
publishes software for DVD media, wireless devices, personal computers
and video game consoles, including those manufactured by Nintendo,
Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc., and Microsoft Corporation.
Conspiracy Entertainment was founded in 1997 and is based in Santa
Monica, CA.
About Epicenter Studios
Epicenter Studios, headquartered in Southern California, was founded
in March 2007 by talent from, among other titles, the commercially
successful, critically acclaimed Call of Duty franchise. Epicenter
Studios' first title, Critter Round-Up, was a Nintendo WiiWare launch
title in both Japan and the United States. For more information,
please visit
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