Puffins Island Adventure gameplay video released
3/12/2009 7:28:00 AM
Puffins are getting their own island adventure, and we aren't talking
about Hugh Heffner romping through the surf with Holly Madison. No, it is those adorable Toucan Sam/penguin wannabee
birds that Majesco is bringing to the Nintendo DS in
Puffins Island Adventure. The latest video shows off quite a bit of gameplay and what you can expect while playing. The
game is rated 'E' for everyone and is due out later this spring. This looks like a great game for Cyril to review once he wraps up Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars.
Discover the wonder of Puffins: Island Adventure on your DS! As a member of the Puffin flock you’ll learn to fly, dive, swim, explore, start a family, and more in this fun and educational experience. Master common Puffin games, earn the favor of your fellow Puffins, and raise a family to carry on your legacy.
-Play over 100 challenging events related to real Puffin life: The Puffin 500, Puffin Plummet, Tide Pool Fishing, Dive Fishing, Egg Roll, Feeding Time and more
-Play mini games with up to 3 other players against any one in the world using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection or Local Wireless Multiplayer
-Explore the massive Puffin Niche and interact with other Puffins, find mini games, go on quests, unlock extras, get tips, and more. The more you play, the more area there is to cover, including a burrow for your Puffin.
-Winning mini games will earn your Puffin reputation points, which are the key to unlocking additional mini games
-Unlock extras like new playable levels, plus pictures and videos of real Puffins in action in Canadian locations such as Witless Bay, Newfoundland.
-Features music in traditional Atlantic Canadian styles, using instruments such as tin whistle, fiddle and bodhran (traditional celtic drum).