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Gearbox talks smack, releases launch screenshots from Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway

by: Chuck -
More On: Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway
The folks at Gearbox are certainly confident about Brothers in Arms:Hell's Highway as Jeremy Cooke, the game's director had this to say about the game:

"“Our competition, from where I’m sitting, they just take a first-person-shooter and skin it in World War II. They don’t have any characters. They haven’t read the history. It’s not based on anything real, other than it looks correct. To them, I think that’s just a setting. We’re talking about real soldiers, people from history. Certainly, there’s a lot of fiction that goes into what we do, but it has a backbone to it that gives what we do a little more clout and allows us to go places that they’re not going to go. We’re trying to do something with this topic. We think it has some merit as entertainment and education far beyond than just selling lots of boxes.”

I guess we'll see how the game does now that it's out on the market but until then here are some new screenshots from the game.