Gaming gibs for 9/16/2008
9/16/2008 8:35:00 AM
Here are a few things I missed while thinking about the possibilities of
four player Pong:
- MS spokesman vows to take on Sony, forgets that the rest of their lineup is kind of weak outside of Gears of War 1.5
- Activision planning annual Bond games, trying to be positive about this but failing
- Nintendo makes $1.6 million per employee, might be more if they could keep up with demand
- Pub games flaw was international according to Molyneux, if Fable II sucks then that was intentional as well
- EA can't launch MMO's in Europe, also can't fire this guy fast enough
- How to fix questing in MMO's, hopefully doesn't require another type of grinding
- GTA creators to get mad NFL money when their contract expires next year? Bank on it
- No, Mr. Tyler you only get one video game based on your career, I don't care how much money it made