Turn John Marston into a Savvy Merchant and Expert Hunter for free
10/6/2010 7:35:00 AM
Rockstar made an announcement today that an outfit pack downloadable for
Red Dead Redemption will be coming to Xbox LIVE and the PSN on October 12th. The
Hunting and Trading Outfits pack provides John Marston with a Savvy Merchant outfit to get half priced guns and ammunition in town, as well as the Expert Hunter outfit that gets him double the amount of skins and hides when he goes hunting.
I personally am not too interested in this pack, even if it is free of charge. These sort of outfits come more in handy before you play the campaign. I’ll look towards the
zombie apocalypse invading the West for now.
Today we are happy to announce that the eagerly anticipated Hunting and Trading Outfits pack is coming simultaneously to Xbox LIVE and Playstation Network on October 12, completely free of charge. The pack features two previously unreleased outfits along with accompanying challenges – The Savvy Merchant and The Expert Hunter – originally candidates for the GameStop pre-order fan vote. In addition to their stylin’ aesthetics, both outfits will yield certain gameplay benefits that befit their respective themes. For example, The Savvy Merchant threads allow players to purchase guns and ammunition from any gunsmith for half the cost. Not too shabby! While The Expert Hunter garb doubles up the amount of skins and hides players may collect from their trophy kill.