The rules have changed! Super Monday Night Combat rule change 8 details!
5/31/2012 11:57:00 AM
Its Thursday so that means its time for another
Super Monday Night Combat update!
This weeks update has focused mostly on balancing issue. Only teams of 5 will be matched with other teams of 5 when Q'ing. If you Q solo or with one other player you will be dropped into a game together. Removed is the ability to Q with 3 or 4 players so teams don't start 3 vs. 5 or 4 vs. 5
Other updates include a nerf to long shot turrets in Turbocross along with starting turrets having a shield to prevent backdooring from commandos.
The free pro rotation this week will be Captain Spark, Cheston, Megabeth, Sniper, Support, Tank
Finally Combat Girl and Leo will be getting new costumes. Combat Girl will be getting the Pitgirl outfit while Leo gets the illusionist attire
Check out the patch notes below for all the details. BACON!
New Rules
Only teams of two and five can be built. If you have three or four, ask in chat for someone to play!
Only solos and duo groups are now match made with each other.
Teams of five are now only matched with other teams of five.
Custom games can now be started with only four players.
Pro store menu updated to match the style of the items menu.
Death UI now shows the flair equipped by the person who did the damage.
Removed confirmation for quitting out of a replay.
When a replay download completes, button will now change to "PLAY" when that replay is selected.
Added the XP bar back to the old location next to chat.
Added new effect for speed boosts.
Bug Fixes
Fixed GG Stack and Chip Valvano talking about turrets that can't be rebuilt when they can.
Fixed returning to the wrong game mode UI after a match.
Fixed login screen hangup when there is no connection to UberNet.
Fixed controls breaking if you taunt at the exact moment of spawn.
Fixed some instances of the game hanging when creating a custom game.
Fixed several minor UI alignment issues.
Fixed various typos and incorrect characters in Pro bios.
Fixed GG and Chip from talking about the wrong team when a player lands a Head Crab or Ground Zero.
Fixed changing parts of your loadout in Training Camp from not working properly.
Gun Mountain
Fixed some turrets being stuck into the ground.
Fixed bot lanes on the HUD from being reversed.
Fixed Shelly being able to be stunned.
Continued art improvements.
Added bot lane holograms.
Fixed typo in the spelling of "New Sydney"
Shelly: Activation Time: 0.25 -> 2
Jumping on or near Shelly will now kill Pros.
Trails on Shelly shells are more team colored.
Turrets that are prebuilt on the map now have shields that once taken down, do not come back. Player built turrets do not have shields.
Fixed turrets from sometimes doing no damage to bots.
Turbocross Jackbot Health: 105000 -> 87500
All throw and momentum push distances increased by 25%
Long Shot Turrets: Will no longer fire at any of its previous 10 targets.
Long Shot Turrets: Added radius damage falloff, which means you'll take more damage the closer you are to the epicenter of the explosion.
Long Shot Turrets: Added radius momentum falloff, which means you'll only be moved if you're close to the epicenter of the explosion.
Long Shot Turrets: Damage: Full/Min: 400/200 -> 300/150
Dagger/Sword: Cloak drain per shot: -5 -> -4
Shuriken Launcher: Cloak drain per shot: -1.8 -> -1.4
Fly: Shooting now drains fly similar to Assassin Cloak
Assault Rifle: Fly drain per shot: 0 -> -1
Grenade Launcher: Fly drain per shot: 0 -> -5
Captain Spark
Megahurtz: Armor damage: 500 -> 250
Combat Girl
New Uniform: Pit Girl
Combat Healer: Fixed not being able to heal turrets in Turbocross
New Uniform: The Illusionist
Fixed wings not displaying properly when wearing the Chickey head.
Fixed mustache placement.
Shifty Shuffle: Grappling as the Wascot will no longer cancel Shifty Shuffle.
Shifty Shuffle: Grappling the Wascot while Shifty Shuffle is active will now use your entire cooldown.
Party Pooper: Now affects turrets as well as Pros.