The World of Tera Is Opening Early For Pre-Order Customers
4/27/2012 10:38:00 AM
En Masse Entertainment has announced that they will allow players who pre-ordered the action-MMO
Tera to play a weekend early. The level cap before the game's official release will be 38, with the maximum level being expanded to 60 on opening weekend.
Beginning at 8 A.M. Pacific time Saturday, En Masse's Head Start Program will begin, followed by a midnight release on May 1 for those who are holding off on the purchase.

Full Press Release:
En Masse Entertainment, the company behind the action MMO TERA™, is thrilled to officially open the world of TERA this weekend to customers who have pre-ordered the game. Starting at 8 a.m. PDT this Saturday, April 28, pre-order customers will be able to participate in TERA’s Head Start program. This program thanks early purchasers by allowing them to begin their journey through the game’s dynamic and exciting world—where they can experience the intense action of TERA’s contextual combat system and battle big-ass monsters—for an extra weekend before launch. The Head Start program allows players to advance to a maximum level of 38 until the level cap is pushed to the full-feature level of 60 at midnight PDT on May 1 when TERA officially ships.
Pre-order customers who played in TERA’s open beta test last weekend will be granted access to their characters from the open beta as well, allowing them to continue their journey uninterrupted. For information regarding TERA launch events, please visit the game’s launch schedule page.