OUYA will be at E3 in a parking lot across the street
5/20/2013 2:00:00 AM
OUYA's retail release is getting
a little bit delayed, but they're trying to get the word out to other gamers. E3's one of the biggest gaming shows around and they want to make a presence there. But, it's pretty expensive to get a booth inside the show so what is a small company to do?
Well, they will be setting up a booth outside of the convention center so even the public can check out the console. The company's also calling on all developers to see about doing some demonstrations of their game there.
Now, some folks are going to look at this and say they're just cheap or it's a sign of how second rate they are. There have been some companies in the past that have done this so they're not the first. But, I look at it as at least they are giving folks a try with the console whether you can go to the show or not.
I recently received my OUYA and it's an OK device. I'm more interested in the hacking aspects of the console then what it has to offer with mobile gaming on the big screen. I've done that plenty of times with an HDMI out from my tablet or phone in the past. And I've gotten it to stream some media pretty well already. Now if it only had an IR receiver so I an control it with a universal remote, then it would be a pretty killer $99 streaming device.
So, it won't be too long before the OUYA's in everyone's hands. Is it going to be a huge hit? Who knows, but they are making a go at it and we at least got a nice Kickstarter success story out of it if nothing big comes out of this console.
Join us @ E3 2013!
You're one e-form away from demoing your game on OUYA at E3.
Thanks so much for the great response to our call for assets last week. Watching your games come to life on OUYA inspires us. And we can't wait to tell the world about it!
For E3 this year, OUYA will be outside the convention hall (shocker -- we're roaming outside of the pack!). We'll be sharing our games with the public -- NOT just the pass holders. Though we're still hammering out the details, here's what we know today:
First and foremost -- we want YOU to be OUYA's E3 presence. E3 is about unique games, cool content and the people behind such projects. Our goal is to provide the resources necessary to allow you to showcase your amazing work on OUYA!
E3 2013 dates are Tuesday, 6/11 to Thursday, 6/13
Our location is a parking lot directly across from the Convention Center's South Hall (address is 601 W. Pico Blvd.)
OUYA will be present for all three days of the event, and we'll provide everything you'll need to put on a killer game demo. OUYA console...check, controllers...check, TV...check. We'll also make sure that you're fed and have plenty to drink while you're onsite because hydration and nutrition are key. :)
You'll be able to demo your games to media, E3 attendees and random people on the street who want to see what all the buzz is about. We're going all out to ensure we get the best equipment, and we're also engineering it with the elements of an outside location in mind. We're confident this will turn out to be an awesome event that you and your teams will be proud of!
OUYA's E3 location will be 100 percent open to the public -- no credentials required! Invite friends, family -- hell, invite anyone 'cuz they're all welcome!
Essentially, we'll handle the details. You just need to get to Los Angeles.
We understand you may still have questions on stuff not addressed above (details will evolve in real time over the next couple weeks).
In the meantime, if you're interested in participating in OUYA's 2013 event, signing up is easy:
Complete the form (same as the one linked above) and click SUBMIT.
Once we've collected everyone's submissions (remember, deadline is May 28th!), OUYA will contact you directly -- we'll do our best to confirm with everyone by May 31st -- to lockdown your scheduled spot.
That's it, told you it was simple.
Look forward to seeing you @ E3!
D.B.F. (Developer's Best Friend)