Mirror's Edge Demo impressions
10/31/2008 4:02:00 PM
If you've got twenty free minutes this weekend you owe it to yourself to check out the Mirror's Edge demo on the 360 and the PS3. I played through the PS3 version tonight and it's better than I remembered. The demo contains a short tutorial to get you used to the running and fighting controls and then allows you to play through a short level to put those skills to use. The controls do take a little getting used to but I was able to get into the flow pretty quickly.
As you play the demo there are a few key things to remember:
- Momentum is your friend, you want to keep going and do moves so that you don't have to stop
- This isn't a shooter, you want to avoid confrontation as much as possible. If there's more than one enemy in your path run away
- Seriously run away, stifle you FPS instincts to take out groups of people
- Red is your runner vision showing you were to go. There are alternate paths though so look for them
I really enjoyed the demo and the graphics are breath taking. I think I might be going out to pre-order this weekend if I can find time to do so.