No offense to fans of Adventure Time, but I always found the show to be a bit...exasperating. I gave it a chance and watched a few episodes, but it always seemed like it was just...trying to hard. Like that girl you knew in college who was "OMG so RANDUM u guize and HAY you remember the NES right??!!!"
...Yeah. But I don't begrudge fans for liking it. In fact, Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON'T KNOW! has some exclusive features on Wii U. Specifically, the GamePad functions as BMO, the little talking Game Boy with the Korean accent from the show and...geeze, does anyone get the feeling that the creators of Adventure Time got really drunk one night and got super nostalgic about the 80s or something?
Anyway, this new trailer shows off the game and its Wii U specific features. It looks like a pretty fun little Gauntlet clone with some genuine retro affection, and the sprite animation is great as usual--WayForward are modern masters of that lost art. I'm just not sure I can put up with the game's cloying, self-indulgent sense of humor, but for people who like that sort of thing, well...that's just the sort of thing they'd like.