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How to setup PlayStation VR

How to setup PlayStation VR

Written by Matt Mirkovich on 10/20/2016 for PS4  
More On: PlayStation VR

That fresh new electronics smell. Who's ready for some unboxing?

I managed to get my hands on a 'Launch Bundle,' which works out great for me since I wasn't initially sold on the Playstation Camera, or Move controllers, having them be part of the bundle is definitely attractive, given the savings.

Inside you've got two boxes, one holds the PSVR headset and Processor Unit, and necessary cables. The other, the Camera, and Move controllers.

Opening up the main box, you're greeted with some quick and easy documentation to set up the PSVR, which really is quite simple to do. The biggest hurdle being navigating behind my TV to find out how to organize all the other cabling I have going on back there.

Here's the headset all by itself, what you can barely see in the back (and I'll highlight later), is the connector cable to the processor unit, which is about a good ten feet long.

In the smaller box, we have a copy of Playstation Worlds, the Move controllers, and Playstation Camera.

BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! A demo disc! We almost never see these bundled with hardware any more. 

After unboxing all of the cabling and hardware, this is what you're left with. Kind of daunting, but each cable is numbered, making it easy to follow the instructions.

Some clever use of the branding that also helps make sure you've got your connections in the right place.

The total setup time took a little bit less than twenty minutes. First, you'll re-route the HDMI cable from the PS4 to the TV, and connect it to the Processor Unit, and another HDMI cable will run from the Processor Unit to the TV. There's a USB connection to the front of the PS4 (this reminds me, why are there no USB connections on the back of the PS4? Now there's just a stray cable running up to the front of my console setup) Below is what the processor unit looks like when it's all set up.

The overall setup for the PSVR was not at all difficult, and I was ready to play in less than thirty minutes, after a quick firmware update, everything was ready to roll, and Rez was the first game I fired up, followed by Thumper, and Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live. E3 gave me my first taste of VR, and having it in my home now is a strange feeling, it feels like... the future. Check back with us soon for a few reviews.

How to setup PlayStation VR How to setup PlayStation VR How to setup PlayStation VR How to setup PlayStation VR How to setup PlayStation VR How to setup PlayStation VR How to setup PlayStation VR How to setup PlayStation VR How to setup PlayStation VR How to setup PlayStation VR

About Author

In a past life I worked with Interplay, EA, Harmonix, Konami, and a number of other developers. Now I'm working for a record label, a small arm of casual games in a media company along with Gaming Nexus, and anywhere else that sees fit to employ me.


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