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Razer IronClad

Razer IronClad

Written by Jennifer Yan on 11/17/2010 for PC  
More On: IronClad
Razer’s no stranger to mouse pads and I’m actually using their old Destructor mouse pad currently. While Razer has come out with a few mouse pads, today’s review is of a very high end mouse pad coming from them. Got $60 to spare on a high end mouse surface? Take a look at the Razer IronClad.

Now, as you can see the packaging is quite large and it’s rather heavy. Inside the packaging, you can see the carrying case for the IronClad. It’s a quite sturdy case and as you open it up you can see the IronClad pad sitting in the middle of the foam insert. It fits pretty snugly in the case and offers up some nice protection should you need to travel with the mouse pad to LAN parties and such.

The IronClad itself is made of a single sheet of anodized aluminum and it feels really solid when you pick it up. The top has a nice smooth sand blasted finish and the entire mouse pad measures 350mm by 250mm with a 2.5mm thickness. ON the bottom corner is the Razer logo, which does feel like it can come off over time but that’s not going to affect anything but the aesthetics of the IronClad.

Turning it over, you can see the bottom has a nice non-slip rubber base so it ensures the mouse pad will stick to whatever surface you have it on and not move. It does a good job on a variety of surfaces, making sure it won’t go anywhere while you glide your mouse on top.

Going back to the top, the slick surface does make for easy cleaning. Spill something on it or pick up any buildup, just take a damp cloth and wipe it away. For easy cleaning, the IronClad gives you that with the sanded surface.

So using a variety of mice from Logitech and Razer, the surface did pretty well in keeping movements clean and smooth. From small, slight movements to large, sweeping motions, the IronClad delivered a very pleasant gliding experience with each mice that I tried it with. Even the parts of my hand that rested on the IronClad felt comfortable as the soft, smooth surface provided a nice feel when in contact with my hand.

So, the large size is nice in that for those who do large motions will have plenty of room to move around in. Myself, I favor the short quick movements when playing so there’s more than ample surface area for my mouse to work in. It’s better to have a bigger surface area than needed though.

Given the pleasant experience I had with it, whats wrong with the IronClad? Well, it’s $59.99. Yes, $60 is the cost of the IronClad, which is the cost of some good mice out there. It’s hard to get by the sticker shock of how much this costs . Granted, an aluminum Steel Series SX can be had for $45.99 but pricing on the IronClad’s still pretty steep.

Still, this is for the high end gamer who wants any edge possible when gaming and for those, sometimes nothing’s too expensive for them. It does feel solid and feels like it will last a long time so spending $60 on a mouse pad that is durable might be something that can be cost effective in the long run for some. The old adage of you get what you pay for can apply here and Razer does produce high quality products.

At $60, it isn’t for everyone and it does fall into that niche market product/price range.
Large and expensive, the IronClad feels good on the hand and when gliding a mouse around but that price tag of $60 really sets it back as a product for the masses. Still, those that have the money will enjoy the nice feel of the surface.

Rating: 7.9 Above Average

* The product in this article was sent to us by the developer/company.

Razer IronClad Razer IronClad Razer IronClad Razer IronClad Razer IronClad

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