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Think of the Children

Think of the Children

Written by Dan Keener on 7/8/2008 for DS   PC   PS2   PS3   PSP   Wii   360  
More On: Think of the Children
This is the kind of week I think most gamers would like to see all the time. Anytime a large amount of rated titles comes across, and it includes quite a few from the next-gen platforms, that is bonus time. While the PC and DS have the usual suspects, the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 each had nine titles, including some heavy hitters that people have been waiting on. I also tweaked the article a bit and have semi-officially retired the “Weekly Title of Shame” in favor of the more politically correct “Intriguing Title of the Week”. This allows me to analyze, ridicule, bash or just simply talk about a title(s) that I find to be intriguing. It was becoming increasingly difficult to pick only one title each week that met the stupid crazy dumb stringent requirements that I set to qualify. Therefore, it has been retired and the initial Intriguing Title of the Week is revealed below.

The PC and DS dominated the ratings as usual, and hidden in the mass of the usual money grabs, franchise whoring and sequels were a couple of potentially decent titles. One is the Princess Bride Game (PC, MAC), which is about 21 year’s too late (The film was released in 1987). Despite that fact, it is still a refreshing break from the Bratz Ponyz, Hannah Montana’s, tweenie games like My Dress up and My Make-Up and Word and Puzzle gamers that dominate these two platforms. Another potential winner is Bleach: Dark Souls (DS), the North American remake of the Japanese release Bleach DS 2nd Kokui Hirameku Requiem. With the addition of 17 new characters (44 total) and strong lineup of game modes (Story, Vs., Arcade, Time Attack, Survival and Training) that support both single and multiplayer, this could be a breakout hit.

What a week for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. There were several highly anticipated titles finally rated that were shared. These included Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway (and the Limited Edition), Rock Band 2, Fracture and Legendary. In addition, the Playstation 3 had Linger in Shadows, JEOPARDY!, Ferrari Challenge and Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty rated. The Xbox 360 also saw Interpol, Infinite Undiscovery, Zuma and Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?: Make the Grade get a rating. A great week with a couple of surprise titles, as Rock Band 2 could possibly be the first game that utilized the delayed announcement feature as we just found out about it last week.

The inaugural Intriguing Title of the Week belongs to a classic that old-school gamers should recognize immediately. While scanning the list of PC and DS titles, one in particular that caught my eye was the classic Coin-op (ported to C-64 and Atari 2600) Wizard of WOR that was listed under the PC games and published by Midway. I find it interesting that the title was listed strictly for the PC, as it seems there isn’t much of a demand for this type of retro title outside of a collection of games or some sort of download service. The other possibility could be a release for XBLA or PSN in the future, with those versions haven’t been rated as of yet. More than likely, Wizard of Wor is just one of many ratings trickling out for the PC version of Midway Arcade Treasures II that is available for download directly from Midway’s site. There are many possibilities and theories as to why, but in the end the logical answer makes the most sense…

Title Publisher Rating Platforms
Barbie Fashion Show: An Eye for Style Activision Value Publishing Everyone PC, DS
Battlestrike: Force of Resistance City Interactive Mature PC
BLEACH: Dark Souls Sega of America, Inc. Teen DS
Brothers In Arms Hell's Highway Limited Edition Ubisoft Mature PC, 360, PS3
Dropcast ValuSoft a Division of THQ Everyone DS
Ferrari Challenge Activision Value Everyone DS
Hannah Montana: Popstar Exclusive / DGamer Disney Interactive Studios Everyone DS
Hell's Kitchen Ubisoft Teen PC, Wii
Interpol Vivendi Games Everyone 360
Linger in Shadows SCEA Everyone PS3
Lock's Quest THQ Inc. Everyone DS
My Japanese Coach Ubisoft Everyone DS
MySims Kingdom Electronic Arts Everyone DS
Princess Bride Game Worldwide Biggies Everyone 10+ Macintosh, PC, OTHER
Puzzler Collection Zoo Games, Inc. Everyone PC, DS, Wii
Shopping Blocks RealNetworks Everyone Macintosh, PC
The Price Is Right Ubisoft Everyone DS
What Type Are You? Konami Everyone DS
Trivia Midway Teen PC
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09 All-Play Electronic Arts Everyone Wii
Rock Band 2 MTV Games Teen 360, PS3
Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty SCEA Everyone 10+ PS3
Phantasy Star IV: End of the Millennium SEGA of America Everyone Wii
My Make-Up Oxygen Games Everyone DS
MahJong Quest III iWin, Inc. Everyone PC
Infinite Undiscovery Square Enix, Inc Teen 360
Hotel Giant Enlight Interactive Inc Teen PC
Ferrari Challenge Activision Value Everyone PS2, Wii, PS3
Bratz Ponyz 2 The Game Factory ApS Everyone DS
Cabela's Legendary Adventures Activision Value Teen PS2, PSP, Wii
Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?: Make the Grade ValuSoft a Division of THQ Everyone DS, 360
de Blob THQ Everyone Wii
Hell's Kitchen Ubisoft Teen DS
Fracture LucasArts Teen 360, PS3
Super Off Road ® Midway Everyone PC
Wordmaster Zoo Games, Inc. Everyone DS
Zuma PopCap Games, Inc. Everyone Macintosh, PC, PS2, Mobile, Web, 360, PDA, iPod
Heavy Weapon: Atomic Tank PopCap Games, Inc. Everyone 10+ PC, Online, PS2
Legendary Gamecock Mature PC, 360, PS3
JEOPARDY! Sony Online Entertainment Everyone PS3
My Dress-Up Oxygen Games Everyone DS
Combat Wings City Interactive S.A. Teen PC
Fate: Undiscovered Realms Encore, Inc. Everyone 10+ PC
Arch Rivals Midway Everyone PC
1701 A.D. The Sunken Dragon Aspyr Media, Inc. Everyone 10+ PC
Active Life: Outdoor Challenge Namco Bandai Everyone Wii
Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway Ubisoft Mature PC, 360, PS3
Big Kahuna Party Reflexive Entertainment Everyone Wii
Word Search Midway Everyone PC
Wizard of WOR Midway Everyone PC
Wordz Midway Everyone 10+ PC
Safari Doctor Ubisoft Everyone DS
Shaun the Sheep D3Publisher of America, Inc. Everyone DS

Here is the final tally on who, what and where everything was rated for the last two weeks. There were 53 rated titles on 13 platforms. PC (22), DS (19), Wii (9), 360 (9) and PS3 (9) had the most games rated. There were 39 of the 53 titles rated at E10+ or lower, 10 rated at T for Teen and just four (Battlestrike: Force of Resistance, Brothers In Arms Hell's Highway Limited Edition, Legendary and Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway) rated at M for Mature.

Got a comment on the article or a rated games, put it in the section below or send me an e-mail. Until next week, make sure you know what your kids are playing……


*The weekly Intriguing Title of the Week (and any game that is tossed in that paragraph) is identified based on a game on the list that catches the eye of the author for any number of reasons.  Good, bad or otherwise, feel free to agree, disagree or add some constructive input to the discussion.

* The product in this article was sent to us by the developer/company.

About Author

Like many gamers in their 40's, I developed my love of gaming from my Commodore 64 after we wore out our Intellivision. I spent countless hours wandering around the streets of Skara Brae, as my life was immersed in The Bard's Tale series on the C-64, D&D Titles and any/all Epyx titles (California Summer and Winter Games) and sports titles.  After taking the early 90's off from gaming (college years) minus the occasional Bill Walsh College Football on Sega, I was re-introduced to PC games in the mid 1990's with a couple of little games called DOOM II and Diablo. I went all-in with the last generation of consoles, getting an Xbox 360 on launch weekend as well as adding a PS3 and Wii in subsequent years.  I now am into the current-generation (latest?) of consoles with the WiiU and Xbox One.  Recently, I was able to get back into PC gaming and have enjoyed it very much, spending most of my time going solo or playing with my fellow GamingNexus staffers in controlled multiplayer action.

While my byline is on many reviews, articles and countless news stories, I have a passion for and spent the last several years at GamingNexus focusing on audio & video and accessories as they relate to gaming. Having over 20 years of Home Theater consulting and sales under my belt, it is quite enjoyable to spend some of my time viewing gaming through the A/V perspective. While I haven't yet made it to one of the major gaming conventions (PAX or E3), I have represented GamingNexus at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas in nine of the last ten years.

Personally, I have been a staff member at GamingNexus since 2006 and am in my third tour of duty after taking off the last year and a half.


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