Simbin working on a new GTR game
3/31/2010 7:26:00 AM
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The folks at Simbin sent over a short PR today to let everyone know that they have begun work on another GTR game, something that should make racing fans like Dave very, very happy. The series has produced some of the better racing games in the last five years so this will be good news for fans of the genre.
The bad news is that there's not a lot of info on the release other than that the game will ship in 2011, will posses some "innovative online features", and will have a deep DLC plan. Guessing we'll find out more at E3 but here's hoping the games are as good as their other games.
SimBin are proud to announce that a new GTR game is in the pipeline; the wait is over and development on the next installment
of our multiple awards winning GTR series has begun. The title will take gamers back to the roots of SimBin style racing games,
while offering a brand new take on the basic concept of “easy to drive, hard to master”, the hallmark of SimBin titles for the past
SimBin will take a significant step up in both realism, visuals, and sheer immersion, offering players a completely new and unique
experience based on the known and award winning simulation philosophy of SimBin.
SimBin will focus on continued support for the game through multiple new innovative online features and activities, in addition to
a very comprehensive DLC plan.