New character revealed for Dragon Age: Origins
10/23/2009 9:00:00 AM
A new character has just been revealed for
Dragon Age: Origins. Life for Oghren, previously a member of the Warrior Caste, changes when he marries Branka from the Smith Caste. She is invited to the Paragon where Oghren joins her, but after she runs away he sets on a journey to find her and discover her secrets.
Oghren, of House Kondrat, was once a promising member of the Warrior Caste who had earned great prestige in the dwarves’ gladiatorial proving grounds. When a Smith Caste family with plenty of money but few political connections offered their daughter in marriage, his family accepted the match. And then everything changed. His wife, Branka, invented a process that revolutionized the smelting process and was declared a Paragon—the first in a generation, forever ensuring an honored place among the ancestors. Oghren gladly joined his wife’s new noble house, but when Branka took her followers and vanished into the Deep Roads, she left him behind. He remains determined to find Branka again and learn what obsession keeps her hidden away from the rest of her kind.