Lost Planet 2 multiplayer demo says "I'll be right there!"
3/26/2010 11:18:00 AM
Those hoping to check out Lost Planet 2 will soon get a chance. Capcom will be releasing a multiplayer demo for the shooter next month on April 21. (Some fans will get in early via community-distributed voucher codes; we'll let you know if we get any more details.) It will include an online versus mode on the "Turbulent Jungle" map with full chat support and stat tracking.
This demo will only be available on PS3 and 360. No word has been given about a PC version of the demo, but this is likely due to the later release date for that platform. Lost Planet 2 has a release date of May 11 on PS3 and 360 and "Fall 2010" for the PC.
Prepare to be blown away by the latest Lost Planet 2 demo coming your way next week on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network. Get ready to grab some weapons, hop in a vital suit, and battle with 16 players in real time. Featuring the “Turbulent Jungle” map from the online versus mode, the new Lost Planet 2 demo will include full chat support and stat tracking. While the demo will be available publicly on April 21 for Xbox 360 and April 22 for PlayStation 3, Capcom’s most avid fans will get a sneak preview of this demo beginning March 31 via community-distributed voucher codes for early access. Keep an eye out for the availability of early access codes coming your way!
Players who download and play the demo will be rewarded when they purchase the full retail version of Lost Planet 2 with immediate access to the Machine Gun SP which fires three round bursts.
Capcom is also pleased to announce that the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of Lost Planet 2 will now be hitting stores on Tuesday May 11 th, one week earlier than previously announced. A PC version is scheduled for release in Fall 2010.
For more information check out Capcom Unity at http://www.capcom-unity.com/