Last week's top games on Direct2Drive
9/14/2009 3:50:00 PM
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Here are the top ten titles on Direct2Drive, which is currently having a special event to celebrate their five year anniversary. Every week for five weeks ten awesome games get dropped down to $5 and this week it's all about action titles as ten new games including The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, BioShock, and Saints Row 2 all drop to $5.
1. Champions Online
2. Aion Collector's Edition (Preorder)
3. Fallen Earth (Preorder)
4. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
5. Aion (Preorder)
6. Section 8
7. Civilization 4: The Complete Edition
8. Civilization 4
9. Darkest of Days
10. The Sims 3