First Look: Nexus One
At CES, my Blackberry 8820 mysteriously went to crap. The trackball stopped rolling, the keyboards and control keys refused to respond. I even took it to the BlackBerry booth, but after the swapped the battery and took it apart said they couldnt help that I had to go through TMobile.
Since I won a good bit in Vegas, I decided it was time to step up the replacement phone so I ordered a Google Nexus One. It arrived today in a cool white box, with a small manual and a few accessories.
It is very remeniscent of the iPhone but is a bit smaller. the screen feels very similar as do all of the touch controls. The app store is where they differ drastically, as the google apps/widgets are simply not as mature yet. Though I did manage to find the Twitter app I saw at CES (Seesmic) and downloaded that. I also found a nice sports widget as well. They didn't have any running widgets to GPS log runs, but I'm guessing the major players in that space are already working on products for the Nexus One.
I haven't done any gaming on it yet, but I definitely will this weekend.