Crystal Dynamics supports Movember for Men's Health initiative
11/2/2011 8:12:00 AM
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Crystal Dynamics has announced that they are supporting Movember, a global charity event to raise funds and awareness for cancers affecting men. So what exactly is Movember?
For those who don't know, Movember is a month long even where participants start the 1st of the month clean shaven, then grow a moustache for 30 days to help raise awareness and funds for men's health. To date, over 1.1 million participants have supported the movement, raising $174 million worldwide. Read on for more info about Movember and what Crystal Dynamics is doing to embrace the cause.
Crystal Dynamics Embraces Its Inner “Country Gentlemen” and Drive Awareness to Movember’s Cause through an Industry-Wide, Charity-Driven “Gaming Challenge.”
REDWOOD CITY, CA (November 2, 2011) — Crystal Dynamics, a Square Enix studio, announces today its support of Movember, the global charity event that raises awareness and funds for cancers affecting men.
Movember, the month formerly known as November, encourages participants to register at and start Movember 1st clean shaven. Men grow and women support a moustache for 30 days, raising awareness and funds for men’s health. These whiskered warriors act as walking billboards; each moustache sparking conversations about men’s health issues that usually take to the back burner. To date, over 1.1 million participants have supported the Movember movement, raising $174 million worldwide.
Ready to answer charity’s call, Crystal Dynamics is embracing this year’s theme – “The Country Gentlemen” – on a number of fronts. The most entertaining outlet will allow community to vote on the type of ‘stache prominent TOMB RAIDER® team members must cultivate throughout the month of November. Think global brand director Karl Stewart would look handsome with a handlebar? Or art director Brian Horton would look dashing with a Dalí? Visit the TOMB RAIDER Facebook page November 2-6 to cast your vote. Winning styles will be announced on November 7, and subsequent progress photos will be shared throughout the month. You can follow and support the “Dynamic Stashes” via Crystal Dynamics’s official Mo Space page, where followers can donate in the name of their favorite mustachioed member.
The gaming industry as a whole has been participating in Movember activities for years, and Crystal Dynamics has worked with Movember to centralize its efforts into one space via the “Gaming Challenge.”
“As a studio we’re always up for a laugh and light-hearted fun, especially in the name of a good cause” says global brand director Karl Stewart. “Considering a large sector of the industry has been entrenched in Movember effort for years, there seemed a perfect opportunity to join forces for both a collaborative and competitive initiative.”
The Gaming Challenge network brings together the entire industry for one month of hairy fun. Developers, publishers, and press who wish to participate in the Movember challenge will be able to monitor their respective teams fundraising process against their peers in one single space.
”Movember is honored to have Crystal Dynamics leading the Movember Gaming Challenge,” said Donny Killian, US country manager for Movember, “This will add a new level of friendly competition this Moustache Season, and we truly appreciate what Crystal Dynamics is doing to help change the face of men’s health.”
Visit the “Gaming Challenge” to support industry teams such as the “Sandbox ‘Staches,” “Eidos Mo-treal,” and the “Forza Follicles.” If you are an industry insider yet to get your Movember on, consider the Gaming Challenge a call to action!
To learn more about Movember and their campaign to change the face of men’s health, or to participate in the month-long festivities, visit
About Movember:
Movember aims to forever change the face of men?s health through the power of the moustache, by raising awareness and funds that will reduce the number of preventable male deaths by cancer. Since inception as a charity event in 2004, over 1.1 million participants have raised over $174 million for the cause, with official Movember campaigns taking place in ten countries. For more information please visit Movember is a registered 501(c)(3) charity.
The TOMB RAIDER franchise has sold over 35 million copies worldwide and inspired one of the most successful video game film adaptations in history, grossing over $300 million at the global box office with protagonist Lara Croft becoming a contemporary global icon. TOMB RAIDER is in development for a multi-platform release, and is slated to launch fall 2012.
TOMB RAIDER is not yet rated. Please visit the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) website at for more information about ratings.
About Square Enix, Inc.
Square Enix, Inc. develops, publishes, distributes and licenses SQUARE ENIX®, EIDOS® and TAITO® branded entertainment content throughout the Americas as part of the Square Enix Group. The Square Enix Group operates a global network of leading development studios and boasts a valuable portfolio of intellectual property, including: FINAL FANTASY®, which has sold over 100 million units worldwide; DRAGON QUEST®, which has sold over 58 million units worldwide; TOMB RAIDER®, which has sold over 35 million units worldwide; and the legendary SPACE INVADERS®. Square Enix, Inc. is a U.S.-based, wholly-owned subsidiary of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
More information on Square Enix, Inc. can be found at