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From Software have 3 games in development.

by: Aidan -
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Speaking ahead of E3 2016,  Hidetaka Miyazaki spoke to 4gamer about From Softwares current focuses and developments. In the interview Miyzaki speaks about where he would like From Software to go in the upcoming years. At the moment From Software is working on 3 internal game projects.

  • A dark fantasy RPG action game
  • A reboot of a former franchise
  • A totally new and original IP

What does this tells us? The dark fantasy game is hopefully a sequel to Bloodborne. Whom else could delivery a dark fantasy RPG action game but From Software? The rebooted franchise might well be an Armoured Core sequel. The last one, Armoured Core: Verdict Day, was released in 2014. In the interview with 4gamer Miyazaki also suggested that he has a "soft spot" for the IP. We know that From Soft have been working on a new IP for a while now. Its content however, is still unknown. With E3 on at the moment, be sure to check back regularly with us for any updates.